Wednesday, April 28, 2010

51.5 hours - A lesson in procrastination or sex education. You pick.

I have been procrastinating somewhat on getting our taxes done. After receiving the last of our receipts in late March, I started to do our taxes and discovered two horrific facts. One, the bank had made an error on our RRSP investments and two, we owed a crap load of money to the government. Seems we failed to realize that moving from one province to another, one where taxes are minimal to a province that has one of the highest provincial tax rates meant we would be paying through our teeth this year. Since the deductions we paid to mid-December were only at the Northwest Territories rate - it takes the SF's employer a while to catch up - we owed the difference from Jan 1 to mid-December. Those two facts combined was enough to make me procrastinate completing our taxes until...well, until 2 days before they are due. So I have spent the entire day today chained to my desk working on taxes trying not to get too stressed out.

The SF, in the meantime, dressed in rain gear, was outside planting fence posts in the garden. That was until he got called out AGAIN for work.

On a more humorous note, I sent an email to an old friend (she's not old, she's just been my friend for a long time) to see what was happening in her world. And she shared with me that her son went to school today more than a little freaked out as it was Sex Ed day. He asked her if he could go golfing instead. Always one step ahead, she told him that was not going to be a problem if he wanted to go over everything with her today instead. Needless to say, he decided to go to school. Love it and I just can't out-do that one. Thanks for the laugh, P! I needed that today.

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