Monday, January 31, 2011

Mugshot Monday #4 - Black & White

Here are this week's submissions for Black & White. Please vote below.

The elusive, Vanna White and her trusty sidekick, Inky

Mailboxes - Rural P.E.I.

 Waiting for Breakfast to be Served

Last weeks winner photographed by Kim -

Variety is the Spice of Life

Next week's subject....Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

11,111 in 2011

My second completed project is Allegheny Muse.   This is a KAL (knit-a-long for all of you non-knitters) that my friend, Jolene and I took on.  We hooked up (ha! ha!....that's a crochet pun) through the magic of Ravelry (grandiose knitting website for those of you who don't knit). We have been chatting online for some months now. Actually, the stalker that I must be....I seem to have favourited a project that she crocheted while I still lived in the Arctic. If you are anything like the SF, you are probably saying to yourself, "What the heck is favourited?" It's just a tag you place on a designer's pattern or other knitter's project for future reference. I think it must be kizmit?! Anyway, we started off the New Year with a face to face Stitch n' Bitch session and decided to tackle a project together. Here's mine....

Please check hers out here  Her blog post is very thorough and a great tutorial on blocking knitted lacework.  The pattern was a joy to work on with a great variety of some crochet, beadwork and lacework - several techniques that were new to me.  I know it's hard to tell but there are about 600 beads knit into this work.  Time consuming, but well worth the effort!  I think we did the designer proud.  While you are visiting her blog, be sure to check out her fuzzy butt bunny, Ruttiger.  I've linked to my favourite clip of him facing off against Hurricane Earl like a trooper!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

11,111 Yards in 2011

I have added another goal to 2011.  Knit 11,111 Yards in 2011.  You'll notice a progress bar on the sidebar to track my progress.

Of course, the peanut gallery's comment was, "Why not 11,000 kms on the treadmill?"  My thoughts....why set myself a goal that I KNOW that I'll never achieve.  Knitting is so much more fun that running on a treadmill.  Besides, I happen to have suffered another Kimism last night.  As usual, I was distracted from the task at hand, emptying the dishwasher, by something riveting on the internet...probably some knitting.  The way I look at it, I was actually multi-tasking.  While I was waiting for the kettle to boil for our evening tea, I decided to empty the dishwasher but only got the top half emptied before my tea was ready and then retired to the couch completely forgetting about the bottom shelf.  That was, until, the SF went to put his spoon into the dishwasher.

"Did you not finish emptying the dishwasher?", he says, with a hint of disdain.  My response, "Oh, Sh*$", jump up from the couch and start my retreat to the kitchen.  I don't even make it to the end of the couch when I slam my baby toe into the battery pack from my laptop and feel a crack, followed by a bevy of, "Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!"  I'm surprised I could actually bend over to grab my toe, as my back also happens to be out of service from a slip I suffered over the weekend.  Seems the steps outside are a little icy.  Seems one pain made me forget the other....for a few moments anyway.

Anywhoooo, when I woke up this morning, my little piggy looks about the size of my big piggy and is a rainbow of red, black, blue, purple and green.  Thanks, once again, Mum.  (She knows what I mean.  Believe me!)

Here is my first completed project..... the Faux Flap Heel Sock 

A free toe-up sock pattern designed by Brie.  A really quick knit (once I figured out my math and gauge?!)

2.37% down....97.63% to go.....Check back tomorrow for my second project.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Mugshot Monday #3 - Subject: KITCHEN

First, the results from last week:  The Winner - with 58.33%  - Moi!

She Sells Seashells By The Sea Shore
Followed by Digital Yarn with 25% of the vote contributed by Jimbo, and finally, Block of Ages with a meagre 16.67% of the vote, photographed by the SF.  Of course, that result came with a whole lot of grumbling about "readership bias", "nepotism", "you suck" and other words that I cannot repeat here.

Here are this week's photos.....

Eat. Drink. Live.

Variety is the Spice of Life
Next week's subject is Black & White.  Email your photos to

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Son Day

My Two Sons.....thick as thieves.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Mugshot Monday #2 - Artificial Patterns

The results are in from Mugshot Monday #1 - Subject Matter: Red.  With an overwhelming 63.64% of your votes, the winner is.....
The Photographer -  none other than THE SILVER FOX!  Congrats!

Now for Mugshot Monday #2 - Artificial Patterns.  We have added another contributing participant to this week's competition and would love for any and all out there to email us your photos for future challenges.  Thanks for joining!  It's all in the spirit of fun.  One photo per week along with your wittiest title and just email it to me at by Sunday evening so that I can post it on Monday.

Here are this weeks pic(k)s.....




Next week's (#3) subject is KITCHEN and we have also decided the subject for MM#4 as BLACK AND WHITE.

Let the voting begin!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


What is a Kimism you ask?  Well, let me just give you an example.  I've been saving this one for you.  I haven't even shared this with my husband as I wanted to avoid the rolling eyes which is generally accompanied with a sympathetic, yet somewhat exasperated, "Oh, Kim".

Remember back a bit when Itchy and I did our wool dying project

Well, before you can skein your wool it has to be completely dry or there is a risk of mould developing in the fibres....or something like that.  I hung mine in the shower to dry but as we live in a very humid climate, 12 hours later it was still wet so I decided to put it out on the clothes line  You know?  The clothesline my loving husband hung for me at one point in the Summer.    It stretches from the upper deck of our house across the driveway and makes its return trip from around a tree in the forest beside our yard.  I figured the wool would dry quickly as it was a warm yet breezy day.

From time to time, I glanced out to check its status and noticed the wool was drifting down the line toward the trees.  I hadn't used any clothes pins to hold it in place because I didn't want to damage it so I would occasionally haul the line in and re-adjust it.  Well, I must have gotten busy doing something (distracted, as usual) and suddenly noticed that the breezy had turned into gale force wind (slight exaggeration).  I ran for the window to find my wool of many colours tangled in the trees, and the SF who just happened to be in the back yard perched on his John Deere, completely oblivious to my plight.

I headed to the deck to pull in the line.  Argh!  At some point I must have forgotten to straighten the line out.  You know there is that thingamajiggy that joins the line and hinders it from making a full rotation on the clothesline.  It's either hampered by the tree at the other end or the other what'sit wheely thingy.  Well that sucker was not in a good place as I only had feet to go before I ran out of line.  With each hopeful tug, my heart dropped because the wind would push my rainbow shaded locks back into the trees.  I look to the SF riding his JD intently willing him to come to my rescue, but to no avail. 

Time for a Macgyver moment.  Since the line is probably 10' or 12' off the ground there is no way I can reach it by hand, even if I stand on my tippy-toes.  Then it dawns on me, a broom might work.  I fetch one and return to the scene of the crime.  (Look over shoulder at the SF.  NOPE.  Still not paying attention).  And then I go for it.  I extend my arm as far as it will go, holding the broom handle with the tips of my fingers and standing on my tippy-toes.  SH%$  Just short.  Okay, in doing my math I would say I have underestimated the height of the line.  If I am 5'7", add 2' for my arms and a broom that is about 4' and the wool hanging down about another 3'....let's adjust that to 15', give or take, above the ground.  At least from where I was standing, buried in the trees.  Let's rethink this.  Wait!  I've got it!  While prepping the deck for painting, I used the extendable broom the SF bought to clean the trailer.  That should do it!

Back I go.  (SF?  Still not giving me the time of day).  I add a couple of feet to the length, probably not enough because in hind-sight, I was still standing on my tippy-toes when there was plenty of length remaining available to me.  Regardless, I was able to gently pluck the wool from the tree and began sliding it back toward the house.  Unfortunately the wind was not cooperating.  For every foot I moved the wool, the wind would blow it back 6".  (SF?  WTF?)  It was slow going.  After a good minute or so, the end was within sight.  A couple more feet to go, a quick dash back up to the deck to retrieve it and I should be GTG (good to go, people).

At this point my arms, having been unnaturally over my head for longer than they are meant to be, are on fire.  The SF is still ignoring me and the sun is blinding me.  I'm not sure which is worse?  But the finish line is oh, so close so I give it my all when all of a sudden, the damn wind gives a mighty hurricane level gust and the wool wraps itself into the bristles of the broom.  With every twist of the handle, I entangle the wool further and panic sets in.  Now I seriously look to the SF to come to my aid.  Nope.  In fact, he's now bouncing to the beat of whatever his ipod is feeding into his ears.  In vain, I try to free the broom from its captor and, at the same time, will the SF to get off the damn tractor to help me.  If you've ever had long hair and tangled it into a brush....?  Well that was what I was up against.  The pain in my arms is now searing and I've induced a hot flash accompanied with a bit of a panic attack.  Trying to maintain the broom in one hand, I wait for the SF to round the corner.   He'll be heading straight for me.  He's bound to see me.  NOT!  In fact, now, I swear to God, he's playing the air-drums using the gas pedal as the pedal on his base drum and the steering wheel as his toms.  (Must be listening to RUSH!)

I guess I'm on my own here.  So I think.  WWJD?  (What would Jesus do)  NAAAH!  If I leave the broom hanging from the wool and run up to the deck to try and pull it in, I not only take the risk of damaging my wool with the broom's weight, I may fall over the rail as it is still troublingly far away from reach.  At this point, my arms have gone numb.  I swear there is so little blood pumping through them that amputation is certainly going to be required.  A calm comes over me as I face my reality.  I take a few deep breaths and try to think rationally.  Just like getting your hair snaggled in the teeth of a brush, the only way out (besides cutting a hunk out) is the same way it entwined itself.  Just reverse the twist, add a couple of jiggles, patiently wait for the wind to make up its mind which direction it wants to blow and....VOILA!  Free!  Phew!

I drop the broom and make the dash up to the deck where I rescue my masterpiece and, once again, confirm the SF's status.  Yep, still not paying any attention, whatsoever.  I consider leaving the damn broom in the middle of the yard, but then he'll surely question what I was up to.  I can hear the exasperated "Oh, Kim" already.  Instead, I just return the broom to its rightful place and with a self-indignant 'harumph', I can't help the smile that overcomes me.  I count my blessings. I'm just all the better for him not knowing....YET. 

So THAT is a Kimism.  They happen every day around here.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Mugshot Monday #1 - Subject RED

 Today is the first day of our photo challenge.  Please vote in the poll below.  Polling is open until next Monday's challenge.  The subject for Mugshot Monday #2 is Artificial Patterns.


Saturday, January 1, 2011


1.1.11 - How could it get any better?  Happy New Year to you all!  And of course, with a new year and a new decade, this week will be all about resolutions, goals, and a bit of reflection on the past year.

Here top (20) Eleven Resolutions (to break)

Let's just get the two obvious ones out of the way and then we'll get on with it, shall we?

1. Get Active – try and do at least one physical activity each day, even if it is just walking the dogs.

2. Eat Healthier....and less – hopefully a by-product of this will be that I lose some weight.

3. Get Healthy. What do I mean? Take better care of myself. I seem to take better care of my dogs than I do of myself. Oh, and don’t be so hard on myself!

4. Get a job.

5. Be a better wife, daughter, sister, doggy mama, friend, student of life... Just be a better person. Take the time to reach out to my loved ones more often. Be kind. Be thoughtful. Have patience. Practice random acts of kindness. Smile more. Laugh more.

6. Take a course....any course, really. Do at least one thoughtful thing that will make the SF’s day a little brighter/easier.

7. Get Organized! This poses a challenge to my hoarding tendencies and my attention deficit. If I can spend an hour a day organizing, I should be well prepared for a garage sale come Spring. Let’s set a goal of May 1st, shall we. Perhaps some neighbours (hint, hint) may want to hold a neighbourhood garage sale. Considered yourselves notified. More details to come.

8. Watch less TV and spend less time mindlessly surfing the Internet.

9. Read more – fiction or non-fiction.

10. Knitting....this is a definite multi-part resolution which I shall address further over the next couple of days. To get started I shall (try to) commit to the following:

a. Do not start any new knitting projects until you have finished the ONE started. This will commence once I finish the current 4....5.....6.....uh...I actually don't know how many I do have started. But I WILL NOT start another project until I get the one's done that are kicking about the house. Good thing I cast your socks on yesterday T!

b. Organize stash, needles, gadgets.

c. To Be Continued....

11. Stop Procrastinating - Which means I really should get off my arse and go take the dogs for a walk before it gets too late. Does this mean I need to get out of my PJ’s? It is only 2:20 pm after all. Just about time to put them back on.  Ahhhh....maybe I'll start this all tomorrow.  I'm feeling a nap coming on.

(I have been gazing out the window as I’ve been typing and have seen 4 people jog past our fairly rural home. Must be everyone else pursuing their resolutions as well.)

I actually have several more resolutions on my mind but I’ll quit while I’m ahead, perhaps I should have gone for 2011 instead of 11?

So, anyone care to share their resolutions?