Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Better Day?

I'm trying to sound optomistic here people but I'm really draggin' my arse.

On our new phone, you can assign specific ring tones to the important people in your life, so I associated my mom's ring with the sound of the Schwann's ice cream truck coming into their community in Lake Tamarisk, California. Actually the truck doesn't have music playing like the old school ice cream trucks, he just goes down the road honking his horn, but the music is a great reminder of our time there, and of course, eating my parent's stash of Schwann bars while we were there.

So yes, when my mom called, the ice cream truck jingle started playing. I vented to my poor Mum the woes of my daily grind wearing me down and quite frankly draining me of every ounce of energy I have. I'm find that I wake up fine, but by the time we start driving over there my energy level drops and by the time we arrive, I am in serious need of a nap. That feeling continues until we leave.

The good news is that tomorrow our stuff arrives from long term storage. The rest of it from Ulukhaktok, we aren't too sure about its ETA. It'll be nice to have some furniture to actually sit on. Right now I sit on the stairs when I want to take a break, that or lie on the floor in our bedroom.

The highlight of the day was the arrival of our new JOHN DEERE ride-on mower! I got to break it in and mowed the back forty!

Other accomplishments of the day....finally got the keys to our community mailbox but realized I might have used the wrong postal code? I think there is a postal code for the physical house and a postal code for the mailbox so I'm just not too sure which one we are supposed to use. Anyone? In our mail...a card from my Ravioli friend Christine ;) - our modem for our wireless internet and our first utility bill! How exciting! We haven't even lived in the house yet and we already have a bill and made our first mortgage payment.

Oh, and speaking of better days....Rookie's tummy seems to have settled and now Ernie has the trots. His tummy was grumbling all day long and when the end of the day "Family Walks" aka "FWs" came time, he was pure liquid. Poor sweetums. We even took him with us when we went out for dinner because we were afraid he'd have an accident in the hotel room. Hopefully today is a better day for all of us.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Miss Kim---

    I looked up your address on Canada Post's website and it's coming up with 2J9 for the second half of the code. Hope that helps the confusion!

