Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Lettuce, Zukes, Beets and A Little Surprise

Good Morning, Peoples.  I know, I know.  I'm looking very sleepy, but did you look at the time this blog entry was posted!

My Momma took this shot the other night. NOT her finest photographic moment. Any guesses? Tune in further down the page.

Much is happening around here. Nothing very exciting, but lots of little things. Mostly, things poppin' in the garden.  The other day, Mommy took her friend on a VGT (Vegetable Garden Tour), chatting up Farmer Mac's mad skills.  I overheard her mention something to the effect that, "this would be the one and only time that she would ever show Itchy or Scratchy Daddy's pickle".  Not sure what all that was about, but I will share with you Daddy's zuke.  Actually it is Mommy's.  She just let Daddy hold it.

For a more accurate sense of the size of that thing....
Apparently I have been upgraded from the fish gauge.  Remember those days? 

 How humiliating!  I'll get even.  Just you wait and see.

Look!  Here's my Daddy!  He's holding his first harvest of sweet beets! 
Grandpa, look what you are going to miss out on. Your faves!
Remember when I said I was going to get even?  Combine that with my love of lettuce and......
Don't worry, Itchy.  This wasn't the lettuce Mommy gave you.  Promise.  Besides, I know you wouldn't mind a little doggy slobber.

So that photgraphic blunder from above...well, it was these little fellas, occupying my favourite pee spot.  The nerve.  It also happens to be at the base of the squirrel-proof birdfeeder that the squirrels live in.  Let's just hope the racoons don't try to gain access to that as well.  There is only so much that poor feeder can take.  This is two of the gang of three that are frequenting MY YARD every night.  It makes running out for my late night pees VERY DIFFICULT.  Nothing like getting caught with your pants down by a masked bandit.

PEACE OUT, PEOPLE. I seriously need to TRY to get back to sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Seriously...go to bed. What are you doing
    up and writing at 3:30 am?
