Friday, October 2, 2009

Are you wondering where we've been?

We've been noticeably absent for a few days. We were on a bit of a push to get stuff done around here before Ev went back to work and now he's almost finished his first block. While he's been working, I have been trying to get at least one room finished but still haven't. Close, but not one room done yet. We seem to be out of space?!

What I don't get is where did all of this stuff come from? We had a garage sale before we left Grand Forks and we had a yard sale before we left Ulukhaktok and we still are filled to the brim. We also made the mistake of having everything that was delivered from Ulukhaktok put into our basement. Well now, as we are sorting, it means that we are having to take everything to either the main or second level. So, much to Ev's dismay, everyday he comes home there is a pile of rubbermaid containers stacked at the bottom of each set of stairs. Going up....going down. I'm hoping we should be done that part of it by the end of this next set of day's off. I keep telling myself that I can't do anything fun until I get all of this done, but I seem to be losing steam.

The weather has been phenomenal here. It's was 30 degrees on Wednesday and 28 yesterday. I have been passing a bit of down time during the day watching the birds feed. Ev & I mounted a bird feeder on our deck so we could watch the bluejays, which are different than the bluejays we have in BC - they are light blue. Since putting it up, we've also had something that looks like a dove come as well. And, it isn't afraid to stand its ground. The bluejays are a bit more timid so take off at the slightest movement. The dove just sits there. There was a traffic jam there yesterday - 2 bluejays and the dove.

I know that's kind of boring, but so is life right now. I promise, things will get more exciting soon. Ev and I are going to Nova Scotia on the 10th for a wedding and then my childhood pal, Debbie, is coming for a visit and I'm hoping we are going to take some trips around the island so I should have some pictures.

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