The day was spectacular though and a great opportunity for me to get some painting done with the ever faithful supervisor showing up and doing his part again. I made some great progress completing the second and final coat on the umm...East (?) side of the house. Not great at directions, what can I say.
AND, if I dare say, I turned a corner today as well.
Let me ask you. Have you ever had one of those bosses that you feel is always watching you? Like you can't even go to use the facilities without "BIG BROTHER" keeping a watchful eye? They think they are being all cunning and are so dense that they don't realize that you FEEL their eyes burning a hole in the back of your head? It's as though they their glaring at you with those piercing beady little eyes, is going to miraculously speed up your productivity? Do you feel me people?
Let's take a closer look.
Anyone want to hazard a guess what this is? You'll never get it. Even if you think it's obvious, it ain't!

It’s a PUP TENT!!!! I know, pathetic, right? I should quit while I’m still ahead. But it worked out great for Ernie. He is very susceptible to the heat and even though it maybe hit 20, it’s too hot for him. This brainchild, brought to you by yours truly, worked fantabulously...don’t you agree Ern?
It’s a PUP TENT!!!! I know, pathetic, right? I should quit while I’m still ahead. But it worked out great for Ernie. He is very susceptible to the heat and even though it maybe hit 20, it’s too hot for him. This brainchild, brought to you by yours truly, worked fantabulously...don’t you agree Ern?
“Zzzzzzzz....Zzzzzzzz....Zzzzzzz.” I’ll take that as a yes.
I just set my computer background to the oh-so cute ewok face sticking out through the fence. TOO precious!