After slathering on some sunscreen (Yes, I know. I should have thought of that YESTERDAY!) I headed back outside to get some more painting done. I broke with my routine and started painting some of the deck surface. Completely unlike me when it comes to painting. I am very strict about painting in a consecutive organized manner. None of this bouncing back and forth for me. However, we are anxious to plant in our newly constructed planters but we can't until the deck surface is complete, or at least the deck surface underneath the planters. So, I painted a swatch about 7 boards wide, spanning the deck's surface. I dare that little frog to show up and say I have lots of work to complete. The deck surface is a snap to paint. Another coat on that small path and the planters can be placed in their future home.

As I was painting, the SF was washing my car on the driveway below. At one point, I stood up to stretch and was chatting with him when some movement further downstream of him, literally, caught my attention. It was a squirrel walking out onto the driveway to get a drink from the water running down the driveway. It was very sweet. The little guy stayed there for a couple of minutes and then looked at the SF as if to say, "Thanks, Dude!" Heartwarming, no?
Well it was for a short time. An hour later, I saw the SF shooing the squirrel away from the bird feeder and I couldn't understand why he was getting so annoyed. After all, the squirrel has been eating out of the "squirrel proof" feeders for several months now. Well, this should answer the question.

Noooo!!! Say it isn't so!

lookin' at me?"


Got it!
It's no wonder the
hosta below this feeder has new leaves broken off of it every day. The squirrel jumps down from the feeder into the
hosta. I suspect it is trying to cushion it's fall.
She's in for a rude awakening because just hours after this show took place, I saw a hummingbird checking out the feeder. Time to switch it up a bit. Besides, those squirrels and chickadees are fat enough now. Time to fatten up some hummers.
Must go soak in a hot tub. Later!
Hello just trying