Why a glass of juice and some ibuprofen, of course!
After cutting all of the sod, this is what it looked like.
And he didn't stop there. He also created a new flower bed surrounding the rose bush. I'll be planting some of the seedlings that I have started indoors here and he has a spectacular lilac tree he will be planting here as well.
After blogging last night, guess who else came to forage in the sod.
Needless to say, by the end of the evening, he was in desperate need of a bath. Not only to clear the dirt but to soothe an aching back.
By the way, the silver fox asked me to send a shout out to his father-in-law, the grouchy bear, to thank him for insisting Ev buy the larger utility trailer. It only took 2 trips to the dump and 7583.9 pounds later...TA DA! Fantabulous, right? BTW, that is 3.79 tonnes!
Bring on a new day.... The SF was up and at ‘er early in the a.m. clearing rolls and rolls and rolls of sod from the home of the future pumpkin patch.
Since the sun was streaming through the bedroom window, and I could hear the SF outside busting his arse, it was all I needed to get going on my painting. The weather hasn't been cooperating at all and today is the only day that sun is forecasted without any chance of rain for some time to come.
Of course, I had my partner there to supervise.
And guard me from the beasts that lurk in the woods nearby.
I was able to get the first coat done on this side of the house before I had to go in and make a feast for the silver fox.
Better, right? Do you like the new shrubs we planted? Dogwoods.
I know thanks doesn't cover it, but thanks Honey! And that white stuff in my hair IS NOT gray hair, it's paint, so don't even think of calling me the "Old Gray Mare" if you know what's good for you. Must go cook.
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