Saturday, April 24, 2010

146 hours - Lasagna Garden Revisited

Thanks for the comments people. T, you might as well stop reading now because this is ALL ABOUT the garden. We'd actually have to LEAVE the yard to take some pictures of PEI;p Ummm...and the potato white bread. It just has potatoes in!

Anyway, it was a busy day here. I worked on my last trellis in the shop while the Silver Fox started taking down the tree in the back yard. I then had to get the SF to come in for a bit to help me out and traded him so labour. He help me, then I'd help him. Sounds fair, right?

Once we were done, and I swear it only took 20 minutes, I helped him fill the utility trailer full with the branches he'd limbed off the tree, and then he headed for the dump while I went in for a much needed coffee. Shortly after, the SF showed up at the door looking long in the mouth. He'd missed the dump by fifteen minutes. Oops.

From there, I wanted to finish off the layers of the Lasagna Garden which meant I needed some grass.....which lead to another task on the list, power raking. Team Work again. I mowed, he raked, I loaded the wheelbarrow and dumped it into the garden. End result, we probably got about 1/3 of the yard power raked.

So, the next layer was grass:
Then peat:

Then hay:

Sorry no photo, but another layer of peat mixed with sheep poo
And topped off with a bonemeal/bloodmeal combination, watered and covered back up with the tarps to cook some more. 23 days until planting season begins here...Hopefully it is cooked down enough. For now, the lasagna garden is done.

The SF did a weak job of covering up his disappointment at being selfishly pulled from his jobs to get mine done but I hopefully made it up to him by filling his belly with roast beef and yorkshires followed by a promise to dedicate the entire day to his projects tomorrow. Like I said, Team Work. That's how we roll!

As for Ernie...he had a visit with a fella that came to install a screen door for us, then hung out in the shop with me until the air compressor freaked him out. Then he made about 20 return trips from the tree to the utility trailer and back again until he exhausted himself. He had a visit with the 4-legged kind, our neighbour's pooch Cabot, a miniature Australian Shepard. He's still not too sure what to think. He's interested but the minute Cabot tries herding Ernie, he spazzing out. Cabot likes to talk to you when you don't pet him and when he barks, Ernie barks. Too cute. From there, Ernie spent the rest of his day chasing the sunny spot. He is quite the sunbather and chases rays all day long, inside or out. It was another tough day for him as you can see! He's sawing logs as we speak...err..type.
Until tomorrow peeps. I'm a bit bagged right now.
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