Tuesday, April 27, 2010

CBC News - Prince Edward Island - DQ Blizzards tie up Charlottetown traffic

CBC News - Prince Edward Island - DQ Blizzards tie up Charlottetown traffic: "DQ Blizzards tie up Charlottetown traffic
Last Updated: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 1:58 PM AT Comments29Recommend24
CBC News
A sale on Blizzards at the Charlottetown Dairy Queen during a special national promotional week caused traffic problems on University Avenue.
'It was pandemonium.'
—Dave Marriage, general manager, DQ in CharlottetownThe buy-one, get-one-for-25-cents promotion — in honour of the frozen treat's 25th anniversary — brought thousands of people to the Charlottetown store.
With long queues at the drive-thru, police had to attend to direct traffic at the store on P.E.I.'s busiest street.
During last week's promotion, 12,000 Blizzards were sold in Charlottetown, more than one for every three residents. Cost of the frozen treats vary depending on size, but are generally under $5.
'It was pandemonium. Just an onslaught of everybody coming in to have Blizzards,' said the Charlottetown store's general manager, Dave Marriage.
'We ran out of mix at 11 o'clock, just before we closed on the Sunday night. That's after projecting over double what we usually have in stock, as far as ice cream mix goes.'
The store, which for years has topped all Dairy Queens in North America for annual sales, sold more Blizzards last week than any other outlet in the Maritimes."

Needless to say....the three of us were definitely a part of this traffic jam. They weren't moving quick enough for Ernie so he started barking at them.

1 comment:

  1. so you do go somewhere other than home depot, revy and the garden store:) i can't believe that my tax dollars were spent directing traffic on a main road for a non traffic related incident. i surely hope they did not do a call out:)

    do you know who michael thomas is. that is your next project. very well known in your town many years ago?

    just so you know i didn't drown and thanks for asking about my swim meet:)


