Actually, I should clarify first. The running clock, in actuality, represents midnight tonight - the end of the SF's day's off, not the moment he actually starts work. He doesn't go back until tomorrow a.m. however my reprieve starts at midnight.
Now, the recap. Since I'm trying, not always successfully, but still trying to be a glass half full kinda is how the list stands.
1. Blog Daily -DONE!!!! Whew! Sorry if some of the subject matter was a bit dry but I am thrilled that I was able to have something to say each and every day. The hubby & Ernie have provided good fodder.
2. Hang Pictures in House - pending
3. Inventory & Organize Large Household Items For Sale & Post - in progress
4. Purge Rooms for Garage Sale - in progress
5. Paint Shelf In Living Room - nope
6. Paint Front Foyer - DONE!
7. Paint Staircase - pending
8. Paint Hallway - DONE!
9. Trees - Cut Tree Down in Backyard - DONE! Paul Bunyan Rocks!
10. Dig Vegetable Garden - too much rain. weather delayed.
11. Install Fence in Garden - DONE...well, the fence posts are in. that was the hard part. It won't take a 'ting to get the rest done. weather delayed.
12. Paint Planter Boxes - DONE!
13. Trellis - Make 2 - Made 1 using the same pattern. Might make 2 additional using some other style.
14. Power Rake Yard - in progress!
15. Trellis - Paint 4 - weather delayed
16. Tree - Cut Down Dead Tree in Enchanted Garden - DONE!
17. Trees - Trim Trees in Enchanted Garden - DONE!
18. Weed 3 Beds in Enchanted Garden - DONE! (Needs to be done again. Does anyone know a good ORGANIC weed killer?)
19. Build Lasagna Garden - DONE!
20. Remove Shrub by Front Steps - DONE!
21. Paint Deck - in progress but weather delayed.
22. Trellis – Mount - pending
23. Reassemble Dining Room After Painting - DONE!
24. Planting - ongoing
All that and I knit a scarf and a shawl.
Impressive, right? Despite not all tasks being completed, we have made great progress and I am happy to report that we have put a huge dent in our To-Do List, with marriage still in tact. Dare I say, stronger?! A celebration was in order tonight so my hubby took me out for a sushi feed. We went to a relatively new restaurant in town, Zen Sushi. It opened over the winter. I think it might be the only sushi restaurant in town, don't hold me to that though. But, we did notice that another little sushi cafe is scheduled to open. Anyway, the food was awesome. Service phenomenal. And, in it's own way, a reminder of home.
As the evening is unwinding, the SF is packing his bags and belongings for work tomorrow. His lunch is waiting for him in the refrigerator, coffee maker set, everything ready for him to shuffle out the door tomorrow morning long before Ernie-san and I get up from snuggling.
It's been wonderful to have my hubby home for this short period of time, working side by side, making our house a home. I hope you have all had some laughs and enjoyed the journey....which shall continue but I'm not sure that I can keep up the feverish pitch of daily posts. Several times a week, I can handle. Thanks all for reading, providing feedback and humourous comments. It's been a slice!
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