Monday, January 24, 2011

Mugshot Monday #3 - Subject: KITCHEN

First, the results from last week:  The Winner - with 58.33%  - Moi!

She Sells Seashells By The Sea Shore
Followed by Digital Yarn with 25% of the vote contributed by Jimbo, and finally, Block of Ages with a meagre 16.67% of the vote, photographed by the SF.  Of course, that result came with a whole lot of grumbling about "readership bias", "nepotism", "you suck" and other words that I cannot repeat here.

Here are this week's photos.....

Eat. Drink. Live.

Variety is the Spice of Life
Next week's subject is Black & White.  Email your photos to


  1. Im not sure whose photo this is.... but the red wine looks yummy! I *might* have a thing for the red... maybe ;) wink wink!

  2. I think we should have to name the spices Cayenne/paprika ? and curry. The middle one might be masala. Hmm I am stumped.


  3. paprika, curry & matcha green tea:)
