Saturday, January 1, 2011


1.1.11 - How could it get any better?  Happy New Year to you all!  And of course, with a new year and a new decade, this week will be all about resolutions, goals, and a bit of reflection on the past year.

Here top (20) Eleven Resolutions (to break)

Let's just get the two obvious ones out of the way and then we'll get on with it, shall we?

1. Get Active – try and do at least one physical activity each day, even if it is just walking the dogs.

2. Eat Healthier....and less – hopefully a by-product of this will be that I lose some weight.

3. Get Healthy. What do I mean? Take better care of myself. I seem to take better care of my dogs than I do of myself. Oh, and don’t be so hard on myself!

4. Get a job.

5. Be a better wife, daughter, sister, doggy mama, friend, student of life... Just be a better person. Take the time to reach out to my loved ones more often. Be kind. Be thoughtful. Have patience. Practice random acts of kindness. Smile more. Laugh more.

6. Take a course....any course, really. Do at least one thoughtful thing that will make the SF’s day a little brighter/easier.

7. Get Organized! This poses a challenge to my hoarding tendencies and my attention deficit. If I can spend an hour a day organizing, I should be well prepared for a garage sale come Spring. Let’s set a goal of May 1st, shall we. Perhaps some neighbours (hint, hint) may want to hold a neighbourhood garage sale. Considered yourselves notified. More details to come.

8. Watch less TV and spend less time mindlessly surfing the Internet.

9. Read more – fiction or non-fiction.

10. Knitting....this is a definite multi-part resolution which I shall address further over the next couple of days. To get started I shall (try to) commit to the following:

a. Do not start any new knitting projects until you have finished the ONE started. This will commence once I finish the current 4....5.....6.....uh...I actually don't know how many I do have started. But I WILL NOT start another project until I get the one's done that are kicking about the house. Good thing I cast your socks on yesterday T!

b. Organize stash, needles, gadgets.

c. To Be Continued....

11. Stop Procrastinating - Which means I really should get off my arse and go take the dogs for a walk before it gets too late. Does this mean I need to get out of my PJ’s? It is only 2:20 pm after all. Just about time to put them back on.  Ahhhh....maybe I'll start this all tomorrow.  I'm feeling a nap coming on.

(I have been gazing out the window as I’ve been typing and have seen 4 people jog past our fairly rural home. Must be everyone else pursuing their resolutions as well.)

I actually have several more resolutions on my mind but I’ll quit while I’m ahead, perhaps I should have gone for 2011 instead of 11?

So, anyone care to share their resolutions?


  1. I'm fatigued just reading your resolutions.

    You are the most organized person I know. And just what is so wrong with having a duvet day now and then?

    Okay, okay, a little exercise and healthy eating never hurt anyone. That's one I'll go for too.

    Garage sale? I'll let the woman on the hill in the big white house know.

  2. I'm baaaack. You don't need to set resolutions. You are great at everything you do and set out to do everyday. Be happy with what you accomplish each day. Yes I am happy that my socks are started, now I want that toque, it is sooooooo coool. I can't wait to see this photo thing -- how about this rule no work related photos. What's wrong with wearing PJ's all day, kids/teens do it, I walk my dogs in them (sweats over but when I get home the sweats come off) and I was surprised by the number of people who fly in them!!!!
    I have no resolutions that way I am always happy with what I accomplish each and every day.

    Hugs and Happy New Year

