Saturday, July 24, 2010

My Mother Has Lost Her Marbles

A week or so ago, my Mother called me to inform me that she HAD marbles, which, honestly, I have serious doubts that she EVER had any.  She also queried as to whether the SF had any.  I advised her that I had checked, and he had none.  The lights were on but no one was home, so to speak.  However, several days later, I noted that there was a slight glimmer that some marbles had miraculously appeared.  After my Husband checked himself and discovered that he DID, in fact also, have marbles (as small as they were), he phoned his M-I-L to share his revelation.  They now shared something else in common (besides their love of me, of course).

Since she must have been in the early stages of losing hers, her reply was "Huh?"  So he repeated himself, "I have marbles too!"  Still stunned, she sheepishly attempted to cover for her early onset marble dementia, by nervously giggling until she was forced to admit, "I don't know what you are talking about".  The poor guy has to explain what marbles are despite the fact that SHE is the one that coined the term which was quickly followed by her typical, "Oooooooh!"

Sadly, my Mother called my husband last night to inform him that she had lost her marbles.  I yelled to her from the background, "I hate to tell you, you lost them a long time ago."  She probably called me "cheeky brat" or "Oh, shut up!"  Better yet, "Smart Ass!"  Quite frankly, I think they both have rocks in their heads.  But that's just my opinion.

In case you were interested in seeing them, here are the SF's marbles.

Apparently Mum's were eaten by Bambi's Daddy.   You would think after living where she does for some 15 years, that she would know better than to leave such scrumptious temptations out for the deer.  One more reason why living on PEI rocks.  We have no deer to eat our gardens, just a multitude of bugs.
Beef Steak Tomatoes
Cherry Tomatoes
I wonder what part of the human anatomy I could relate this to?

ps....Dear Auntie to s'mores.  I'm on a diet, and while I wasn't perfect on the camping trip, s'mores?  Completely out of line.

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