You see, I have unfortunately inherited my Mother's lack of coordination. To put it simply, I am a klutz. On any given day, you will find numerous bumps, scrapes and bruises on my person. If there is an oddly placed tool protruding from the wheelbarrow, my thigh will find it. If there is too much furniture in the room, my hip will ram into the corner of a it. If there is a bed frame in the room, my toe will wrap around it's base. If there is a....oh hell, who am I kidding. If there is a wall, I'll walk into it. When my body is conspicuously unmarked, it is only a matter of time before a fresh, black and blue contusion befalls my pale skin.
So what did I do, you ask? I scrambled all over town yesterday picking up odds and sods. You know those days. You have 10 things to pick up but have to hit 10 stores in order to gather them. Item after item, I packed my purchases into the hard plastic crate in the back of my vehicle. When I got home, my kind-hearted husband came to my rescue. He carried the container, overflowing with goodies, into the house and placed it upon the bench in our foyer in order for me to unload its contents. In exchange, I presented him with a cup of joe I purchased at this favourite drive-thru (Ernie's too!). The hubby continued on his way as I unpacked and put away my wares. I sat for a few minutes and chatted on the phone with my friend Itchy and then got back to putting away my STUFF. I have a bit of a reputation for getting "interrupted" in my duties. Perhaps, distracted describes it better. Usually, it is the computer that gets in my way. But, I was bound and determined this would not happen today. I persevered. And, when I had nothing left to put away except for a lone plastic bag doomed for the recycling bin that had fallen to the floor in the foyer. With stealth speed, I swung awkwardly from the waist, one leg firmly planted on the ground while the other kicks straight and high into the air, one arm stretching for the bag, the other stiffly held perpendicular to my rigid torso. If you can imagine, my graceful stance being similar to the acrobatics displayed by a martial artist, the likes of those from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, then you have a gullible mind. Truly, it is the only way my gimped up back will allow me to bend (I always seem to forget that "bend at the knees" rule) to pick up the bag and I promptly smacked my forehead, with a mighty force, on the rim of that hard plastic container. Instantly, I see stars (Do I hear bells ringing? Did you hear that?), feel pain and oh, of course, a lump forming, in that order. But all I can do is laugh, right? The moral of the story? Umm...never picking up junk today, that you can care freely collect tomorrow. A little mess isn't going to kill anyone, but a tidy house could destroy a clumsy fool like myself.
Well, I don't know what the hell I have done but some 24 hours have passed and I still have a splitting headache. I have pumped a steady stream of drugs into my system, with no relief. I have driven the SF nuts jokingly telling him, "I AM CONCUSSED". But seriously, I feel like I have been hit by a truck. My head, neck and shoulders are screaming. It's like I have whiplash.
Why am I telling you this? I guess because I haven't much else to tell you and I wanted to blog something....anything, really. I was just going to post some pictures from the past couple of weeks but felt it necessary to share with you yet another tail of my physical challenges negotiating life.
Now on the pictorial.
Here is the eel grass we collect the other day...
And while I was heading out to take my pictures, look who happened to be passing by....
Remember those planters Ev built? Well this is what was going on underneath it. I refused to go out on the deck until the SF manned up and destroyed them. Those same people who know how uncoordinated I am also know how my body reacts to their venom.
You see those little cream coloured thing-a-ma-jigs in the cells below the white ones? Well two days later, they were coming to life, wriggling and squirming about...needless to say, it was quickly and carefully placed in the woods beside our home.

Do you see the resemblance?
Here's what's blooming in the flower beds.
Echinops or Globe Thistle
Rose of Sharon
Blushing Bride Hydrangea
Wack-a-doodle arrangement
Kent's Beauty Oregano
Here is Farmer Mac's VG.....
Raspberries (none of them have made it into the house yet because we pick them off and eat them on site.)
Beets & Brussel Sprouts
Scotch Bonnet and Habanero Peppers
Closeup of his hot peppers that are just, just starting to form.
PEACE OUT PEOPLES! Time for some more meds.
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