Saturday, July 31, 2010

I'm a Bit Under the Weather.....Don't Ask!

So, I am a bit under the weather this past 24 hours.  I know I said don't ask, but I'll tell you anyway.  I have a headache.  I've had a headache since yesterday afternoon.  Why, you ask?  Well...let me tell you why.  Because I am my Mother's daughter.  For some of you, that is enough of an explanation.  For others, perhaps not.

You see, I have unfortunately inherited my Mother's lack of coordination.  To put it simply, I am a klutz.  On any given day, you will find numerous bumps, scrapes and bruises on my person.  If there is an oddly placed tool protruding from the wheelbarrow, my thigh will find it.  If there is too much furniture in the room, my hip will ram into the corner of a it.  If there is a bed frame in the room, my toe will wrap around it's base.  If there is a....oh hell, who am I kidding.  If there is a wall, I'll walk into it.  When my body is conspicuously unmarked, it is only a matter of time before a fresh, black and blue contusion befalls my pale skin.

So what did I do, you ask?  I scrambled all over town yesterday picking up odds and sods.  You know those days.  You have 10 things to pick up but have to hit 10 stores in order to gather them.  Item after item, I packed my purchases into the hard plastic crate in the back of my vehicle.  When I got home, my kind-hearted husband came to my rescue.  He carried the container, overflowing with goodies, into the house and  placed it upon the bench in our foyer in order for me to unload its contents.  In exchange, I presented him with a cup of joe I purchased at this favourite drive-thru (Ernie's too!).  The hubby continued on his way as I unpacked and put away my wares.  I sat for a few minutes and chatted on the phone with my friend Itchy and then got back to putting away my STUFF.  I have a bit of a reputation for getting "interrupted" in my duties.  Perhaps, distracted describes it better.  Usually, it is the computer that gets in my way.  But, I was bound and determined this would not happen today.  I persevered.  And, when I had nothing left to put away except for a lone plastic bag doomed for the recycling bin that had fallen to the floor in the foyer.  With stealth speed, I swung awkwardly from the waist, one leg firmly planted on the ground while the other kicks straight and high into the air, one arm stretching for the bag, the other stiffly held perpendicular to my rigid torso.  If you can imagine, my graceful stance being similar to the acrobatics displayed by a martial artist, the likes of those from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, then you have a gullible mind.  Truly, it is the only way my gimped up back will allow me to bend (I always seem to forget that "bend at the knees" rule) to pick up the bag and I promptly smacked my forehead, with a mighty force, on the rim of that hard plastic container.  Instantly, I see stars (Do I hear bells ringing?  Did you hear that?), feel pain and oh, of course, a lump forming, in that order.  But all I can do is laugh, right?  The moral of the story?  Umm...never picking up junk today, that you can care freely collect tomorrow.  A little mess isn't going to kill anyone, but a tidy house could destroy a clumsy fool like myself.

Well, I don't know what the hell I have done but some 24 hours have passed and I still have a splitting headache.  I have pumped a steady stream of drugs into my system, with no relief.  I have driven the SF nuts jokingly telling him, "I AM CONCUSSED".  But seriously, I feel like I have been hit by a truck.  My head, neck and shoulders are screaming.  It's like I have whiplash.

Why am I telling you this?  I guess because I haven't much else to tell you and I wanted to blog something....anything, really. I was just going to post some pictures from the past couple of weeks but felt it necessary to share with you yet another tail of my physical challenges negotiating life.

Now on the pictorial.

Here is the eel grass we collect the other day...

And while I was heading out to take my pictures, look who happened to be passing by....

Remember those planters Ev built?  Well this is what was going on underneath it.  I refused to go out on the deck until the SF manned up and destroyed them.  Those same people who know how uncoordinated I am also know how my body reacts to their venom. 

You see those little cream coloured thing-a-ma-jigs in the cells below the white ones?  Well two days later, they were coming to life, wriggling and squirming about...needless to say, it was quickly and carefully placed in the woods beside our home.

Auntie T....perhaps you can see WHY I needed a quick haircut.  Mommy said this hairdo reminded her of one of her favourite bands from the 80's. 
Do you see the resemblance?

Here's what's blooming in the flower beds.

Echinops or Globe Thistle
Rose of Sharon

Blushing Bride Hydrangea
Wack-a-doodle arrangement

Kent's Beauty Oregano

Here is Farmer Mac's VG.....

Raspberries (none of them have made it into the house yet because we pick them off and eat them on site.)
Beets & Brussel Sprouts
Scotch Bonnet and Habanero Peppers

Closeup of his hot peppers that are just, just starting to form.

PEACE OUT PEOPLES!  Time for some more meds.

Monday, July 26, 2010

I HEART eel grass night!

Peoples.....I'm back and I'm here to tell you, I love eel grass night! When we hook the UT up to Daddy's truck and drive down the road to the beach.

Why, you ask? (And quit laughing at my haircut!)

With views like this, you would love it too!

Did you know that there were HERONS at the end of the rainbow?  Lots and lots of HERONS!

And, of course, you make new friends at the beach....
Umm...can you say "child labour"?

Walks on the beach with my better go!  He's getting away!

See ya!

And if all of that is not enough....we get to pass these guys along the way!  DUUUDE!


Saturday, July 24, 2010

My Mother Has Lost Her Marbles

A week or so ago, my Mother called me to inform me that she HAD marbles, which, honestly, I have serious doubts that she EVER had any.  She also queried as to whether the SF had any.  I advised her that I had checked, and he had none.  The lights were on but no one was home, so to speak.  However, several days later, I noted that there was a slight glimmer that some marbles had miraculously appeared.  After my Husband checked himself and discovered that he DID, in fact also, have marbles (as small as they were), he phoned his M-I-L to share his revelation.  They now shared something else in common (besides their love of me, of course).

Since she must have been in the early stages of losing hers, her reply was "Huh?"  So he repeated himself, "I have marbles too!"  Still stunned, she sheepishly attempted to cover for her early onset marble dementia, by nervously giggling until she was forced to admit, "I don't know what you are talking about".  The poor guy has to explain what marbles are despite the fact that SHE is the one that coined the term which was quickly followed by her typical, "Oooooooh!"

Sadly, my Mother called my husband last night to inform him that she had lost her marbles.  I yelled to her from the background, "I hate to tell you, you lost them a long time ago."  She probably called me "cheeky brat" or "Oh, shut up!"  Better yet, "Smart Ass!"  Quite frankly, I think they both have rocks in their heads.  But that's just my opinion.

In case you were interested in seeing them, here are the SF's marbles.

Apparently Mum's were eaten by Bambi's Daddy.   You would think after living where she does for some 15 years, that she would know better than to leave such scrumptious temptations out for the deer.  One more reason why living on PEI rocks.  We have no deer to eat our gardens, just a multitude of bugs.
Beef Steak Tomatoes
Cherry Tomatoes
I wonder what part of the human anatomy I could relate this to?

ps....Dear Auntie to s'mores.  I'm on a diet, and while I wasn't perfect on the camping trip, s'mores?  Completely out of line.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day Trois - Camping

Yo! Yo! People's.  I am back!

Day Three in the Dog House and the sun was shining gloriously.  Sadly however, it was time to head home as there were chores to be done at home.  Mommy prepared a feast of bacon and eggs for her two favourite fellas and then set to washing the dishes and putting stuff away in its appropriate place for the drive home.  As she was wiping things down, she mentioned to Daddy that this was her type of housework.  Multiple small manageable work spaces to clean.  Limited space to store limited supplies.  She vacuumed, she cleaned, she scrubbed, she polished with a smile on her face the entire time.  Mommy hates cleaning so it was nice to see her so happy.  All she had left to do was to throw out the trash that was in the can placed carefully atop the stove top cover and, replace the cutting boards from their current resting place behind the stove top, to their appropriate designated home.  One was a new addition to the Dog House and the other belongs with the Dog House.  It is conveniently designed to comfortably rest over top of the right-hand side of the sink.  As she grabbed the first cutting board, the second fell forward, knocking the garbage can airborne.  It was almost as if I was watching it in slow motion, floating through air, crashing into the opposing wall.  The well-intentionally placed (or so I thought) plastic cup full of liquid bacon grease seemed to pick up speed and hit the wall about two feet up.  Liquid oozed disgustingly down the side of the wall.  A large puddle of congealed goo on the floor.  Splatters... EVERYWHERE!  And of course, who was there to witness the entire event ?  Daddy who could only hang his head and walk away in disgust.  Argh!

As quickly as Mommy could wipe one mess up, she discovered another.  The wall, the floor, the counter, the stove. And then she spotted it.  There is a vent placed at ankle height on the wall, underneath the refrigerator.  The grease had hit the vent, which was accessible, but there was no way for her to get access to the cavern that lay beyond without the use of a screwdriver or Daddy's assistance.  Now she needed to break the news to him and when she did all she received was that look of silent disgust and disappointment.  You know the one.  The one your Mum or Dad gave you when you had let them down.  The one usually accompanied by a tsk..tsk...and the disapproving shake of the head.  Like poor Mommy hadn't beat herself up enough.  Daddy was somewhat dismissive of the entire event which was a bit surprising and we drove home down the coast past some pretty spectacular scenery. 

I knew I was counting my blessing too soon because when we got home and Mommy went in the house, Daddy spent hours outside in the  Let's just say, things were a little quiet around the house for the rest of the day.  Icy might describe it better.  Not the best way to end our maiden voyage in the Dog House.  Geesh!  You would have thought she had done it on purpose!  (Don't forget the garbage incident on the porch....not a good homecoming all-round.)

As if things couldn't get much worse, there was a mishap in the trees in our back yard.  We don't know how long they'd been down but Daddy found a nest with three eggs strewn about with no Momma bird to be seen.  Carefully, they collected the eggs and Daddy gently placed the nest back in a tree but now several days have passed and no one has returned to claim ownership.

This is the centre of Mommy's circle garden filling in with poppies, sweet peas, (WEEDS) and morning glories.
And here is what we had to rush home Daddy could weed his beloved veggie garden.  Notice the difference between Daddy's three plots and Mommy's circle garden?  Yes, his are neat and weed free and hers....well, it's a bit of a mess.  That's her zukes growing off to the left though and there are baby zukes sprouting.
I sure wish I was back at Basin Head instead of back to reality.  Can't wait to get out in the Dog House again.  Every time Mommy goes out there, I try to bum rush her to the door.

Thanks for tagging along on our trip!

p.s.  Auntie T.  I forgot to answer you about the wifi...Mommy did take her laptop so they could watch some DVDs if it rained at night and YES, they actually did have Internet service there.  Wow!  Has camping come a long way since they were kid.  But, at $4/hr, Mommy figured she could wait until she got home to surf the web.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I'm Back, Peoples!

Sorry I took so long. As you might have figured out, I can’t type...DUH...I’m a dog?! So I must sit patiently and wait for my Momma to help out when I want to post. She’s been busy (spinning her wheels, as usual).

Anywhooooo, let’s continue or briefing on camping and other fodder. I had a difficult time with the sleeping arrangements.  I was confused on whose bed was whose.  Seems my bed is only about a foot below Mommy's but I kept trying to get up and snuggle with her.  It was soooo close, I couldn't help myself.  (I don't think she had a very good sleep because I woke her up, like, four times!  I was hoping she would cave, but nope!  Go figure!)

Let me tell you what I heard my Daddy say.  When he first pulled the Dog House onto the grass, he did a wee bit of work and then he told Mommy, "There.  I'm done.  You're in charge now!"  And so, that's the way it went.  Short of Daddy kicking up his feet, opening his yap wide and Mommy jamming grapes down his throat, he was pretty true to his word.  (She'd get even with him later.  Tune in tomorrow.)  So, after I got up from my nap and we had some supper, Daddy built a campfire.  (Oh, I guess that was a little work.  You got me there.)

Look! There's my Mommy sitting in front of the fire HE-MAN Daddy built her.  Doesn't it look beautiful there?

Day Two of our trip in the Dog House was filled with water. Water falling from the sky & water from the ocean. That’s alright. It was still warm outside so we went for a drive farther up island to Basinhead Beach.

Mommy and Daddy walked the beach.  Ohhh, I RUVS walking the beach with my Daddy. Sure wish my Bro was here though. He would have loved it here.
There's me!  Look at that kick in my step....

Zip-A-Dee-Doo-DAH!  Zip-A-Dee-DAY!

 Lettuce anyone?

Yes, yes, I know.  It's a Sea Salad but if you don't know by now, I RUVS me some lettuce!  Any lettuce will do.

My Mommy, always following the rules.  Walking me with a leash on the beach even though there was no one else there.  So NOT cool!
What the hell? Is that Ogo Pogo? I thought Ogo Pogo was a fresh water creature that lived in BC? I must be seeing things!

From BasinHead we drove to the Eastern most point of the island to ....
After we had had enough rain we started back to the Dog House but not before Daddy found this little pond with the most spectacular water lilies.

We truly could have stayed at this sanctuary all day except the Deer Flies started biting Mommy's arse.  We all know how much the bugs love Mommy's sweet flesh but the feeling is NOT reciprocated so we had to head home.

By the time we got home I was exhausted....and you guessed it.....Peoples....  I'
Please come back tomorrow for the final day's events.  Licks & Wags...Noogie-san!