Sunday, May 8, 2011

So I'm A Little Late.

I know, I know!  I'm late getting this post done! I've had a horrible headache for the past couple of days so as soon as I arrive home and dinner, etc., is done, I have been taking it easy.  But I have much to share with you.
I have been teasing you all with a bit of a story, so I better spill the beans.  As many of you know, the SF has been harassing me for oh....must be coming on 14 years to buy a motorcycle.  Well now that Momma has a J.O.B. the pressure, although non-verbal, has not gone unnoticed.  And of course, this is the time of the year when people start listing their bikes.  I'm sure if you found the SF sitting in front of his laptop 9 times out of 10 he is probably looking at online ads for motorcycles (See.  NON-VERBAL.)  The subject came up again not to long ago and I relented.  It's not that I didn't want  him to get a bike, but as many families do, we stretch our dollars as far as we can and there just hasn't been much room for such a toy. 

But, now that I have  job, things have changed and so I softened.  Lord knows, the SF deserves a nice toy after working as hard as he has and sacrificing all that he does.  He has provided for me and the boys well and never begrudges me my indulgences.  Any, the slightest hint of caving and he was off.

Within a matter of days he had driven the whole West side of the island checking out a couple of bikes.  He even took two of his buddies with him.  The first one was dismissed, in  part, because the owner couldn't be bothered to even clean the bike prior to the SF coming.  We ALL know how particular the SF is about cleanliness.  The second bike - well, the colour was a bit off-putting - sort of a sparkly bright blue.  Not quite manly enough for my man.    That night, his buddy called and told him of another website to check out and after a while, he called me in.  He found THE ONE!

He got on the phone and immediately called.  I'm thinking it was 8:30/9:00 at night.  Everything sounded great and the SF was gung-ho to go and check it out.  The only problem was that he only had one day off left and the bike was over in Halifax.  To make things even more difficult, the owner told him that he had meetings all day the next day so that if the SF wanted to see it, he had to be there no later than 8 or 9am. (I can't remember exactly).  Well, when my man wants something, my man gets it.  He told the owner, he would be there bright and early the next morning.  Did I mention it is a good 3-4 hour drive to Halifax?  He then spent a while making sure he was rigged to bring the bike back home, straps and all.

At the crack of dawn the SF was up and gone while I snoozed in bed for a few more hours and not too long after me and the boys were up, the phone rang.  It was his!  His very own motorcycle.  I have to say, I don't think I have ever heard him so excited in all of the time I have known him....not even on our wedding day.  Hmmmmm?   It was all strapped on and he was heading home with his prized possession and he'd see me in a couple of hours.

Well an hour or so passed by and the phone rings.  Instantly I can tell there is something wrong and my first thought is that something happened to the bike.  Nope.  Worse.  He is in the middle of nowhere on the highway and his truck broke down with the bike strapped in the back!  Did I mention that it was pouring rain?  POURING!  What the hell is he going to do now?  I looked up the number for the toll booth on the highway as that was the closest thing to him.  Eventually he get a tow truck and had his truck towed from Nova Scotia to the shop on PEI where it spent the next several days before it was shipped off, still undiagnosed, to the dealership where it spent several more days until they finally figured out it was a corroded computer wire!

And while exhausted and emotionally drained, when he finally got home, there was no wiping that silly grin off of the SF's face!  A proud moment for him, I'm certain!  Congrats, Baby!  You deserve it!  If anything, at least you will never forget the day you got your new toy!


  1. Wow, nice Bike! You'll Look Cool on that Kim!

  2. Where is the passenger seat??? I do expect a ride the next time I come to see you you know.Squirel
