Thursday, March 17, 2011

Good-bye Chocolate, Hello Gym!

Pant, pant, pant....haaa...haaaa...haaa.  It is finally time to put away the chocolate, even with Easter looming in the near distance.  Let's face it, I've already eaten my fair share of mini-eggs. you hear that?

It's the sound of my laboured breathing as I attempt to get back into shape. We were able to get a great deal on gym memberships AND we can play squash there as a part of the fee, so we finally bit the bullet.  Day One of 2011 fitness plan started Monday.  Yes, I know.  I'm several months behind the ball on my New Years' resolution but better late than never, right?

So Monday-gym for a run, Tuesday-squash, Wednesday-a beautiful brisk day but a great one for an outdoor run (OMG, when did I get so old and out of shape?), tonight-hockey, tomorrow a run and Saturday-squash.  You know me, I can never do anything half-hearted but someone might need to call an ambulance for me on Sunday!


  1. You're doing great! Just think how much stronger and fit you will feel even after a week or two of this :) I actually went for a walk OUTSIDE this evening... and it didn't completely suck! If you need a partner in crime to keep the fitness boost moving, let me know!

  2. What you need is some advice. I commend you on getting back in to it BUT --- My suggestion is to slow down and gradually build up. Going hell bent for election may result in a break down in more ways than one. 2 or 3 times a week for a couple of weeks, then add another day for a couple of weeks and so on. I think you are doing too much running. How about walking fast on the treadmill at an elevation of 6 or 7 at 3.5 - 4.0 swinging your arms. Truly a good workout. That is better than running and easier on your body. Being the swimmer that you are you should get in the pool and do some master swimming. Just my thoughts taking it from someone who works out 2/day x 3 days a week: 3 fitness sessions (including tennis) and 1 day off. Believe it or not my body is not sore I am just plain old tired. Remember to give yourself at least one treat otherwise life is toooo short without chocolate.

    many hugs


  3. Have you ever seen a happy runner? Think about it...
