My husband loves to address his idiosyncrasies....or more pointedly, MY idiosyncrasies, by prefacing his aspersion with the following seven words. YOU have a really bad habit of....fill in the blank.... Letting your gas tank get too close to empty... Sitting in the same spot on the couch day in, day out, therefore "crushing the cushions" and apparently challenging the springs... Not picking up dog pooh frequently enough... I could really go on and on. Most of the time, I can see his point. I could do a better job of many things. I do try but I am not very consistent. But there are also times when I just shake my head and wonder, what is going on in his?
The other day, for example, my husband says to me, "You have a really BAD habit of taking your left boot off first!"
That is all.
... so did you throw said left boot AT HIM?
Nah...just kicked him with the right one.