Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Return Sailing....Anchors Away!


  1. i am surprised that the farmer had no comments. i would have been telling you to s**** the ***** ***. you know. but i guess you have to live with the farmer. ernie was sweatin it cause as you said farmer was going mach speed. even i was getting stressed and the clip is only 2 minutes long. towing the trailer and driving crazy. bet farmer needed a smoke after that. he gets his driving skills from whom? can't wait for the next episode.



  2. Yoooo Ernie! What are you doing in a PG-40 movie? Be careful good buddy, those long-haul drivers will get you in more trouble than a room full of cats. Good of you to keep your great Canadian thespian talents safe from the dog greet dog world of Doggywood? What about an alternative ending? One where you miss the ferry. It would have great tension and could work out to be a mystery?

