I am currently sitting in a comfty chair in my bedroom, having my pedicure done as I am providing this short update. The SF returned from the Farmer's Convention Monday evening. What did that mean for me? Lots of paltry cleaning piled into a too-short time frame. But I did it. It might not have been perfect but it was good enough. My favourite boss used to tell me, "Better is the enemy of good enough". Good advice for someone who tends to always want to strive for an A when a B will suffice. And in case my inept domestic skills were called to task, I softened the blow by baking my man his favourite carrot cake. Amazing what some sugar and spice will do for a man's mood.
Any-hoo...we have spent the past two days catching up, regaling one another with the events of our time apart. And of course, Ernie is a new dog now that his Daddy is back. Appetite has returned because Daddy brought him some extra lovin' to sprinkle in his bowl at meal times. I feel so inadequate.
So while I don't have much to update you on tonight, I just wanted to touch base. I'm hoping to post again tomorrow.
Take Care!
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