I am currently sitting in a comfty chair in my bedroom, having my pedicure done as I am providing this short update. The SF returned from the Farmer's Convention Monday evening. What did that mean for me? Lots of paltry cleaning piled into a too-short time frame. But I did it. It might not have been perfect but it was good enough. My favourite boss used to tell me, "Better is the enemy of good enough". Good advice for someone who tends to always want to strive for an A when a B will suffice. And in case my inept domestic skills were called to task, I softened the blow by baking my man his favourite carrot cake. Amazing what some sugar and spice will do for a man's mood.
Any-hoo...we have spent the past two days catching up, regaling one another with the events of our time apart. And of course, Ernie is a new dog now that his Daddy is back. Appetite has returned because Daddy brought him some extra lovin' to sprinkle in his bowl at meal times. I feel so inadequate.
So while I don't have much to update you on tonight, I just wanted to touch base. I'm hoping to post again tomorrow.
Take Care!
The trials and tribulations of an old golden retriever and a brussels griffon as they settle into their new life on Prince Edward Island.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Confessions, Wonderments & Cleaning.
Heed my advice, never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. With the SF's pending arrival home tomorrow, my housework should be well ahead of where it was this morning. This wouldn't be so bad except that I woke up with a serious case of dropsy today. By dropsy, I am not referring to the actual medical diagnosis for dropsy, but the Trini Term my M-I-L uses to describe a serious case of lethargy. Je suis très fatigué. I am listless and have been all day long. I have made numerous attempts to take a fiver so that I could just get on with my cyclonic cleaning binge, but my mind races every time I attempt to rest my weary head upon my pillow. Yet, as I commence my intimidating "to do" list, the waves of exhaustion take me over. Perhaps it is the list itself that is overwhelming me. Hell, I feel my lids drooping and I'm only pontificating on the subject matter! Did I mention that I hate cleaning?
Why is it that every time I finally give up and decided to hand water my garden, that within hours we have a deluge? While I'm on that subject...why is it every time I attempt to paint the deck or scrub the dirt off the deck, it rains on me?
Did you ever notice that "Daddy's on the phone" sounds like the declaration "Daddy's home"? Someone in my house did and was most disappointed and deflated when I had to break it to him that his Daddy was not momentarily walking in the door. What is wrong with my company anyway? Turns out Ernie has been sending his Dad a barage of Mommy insults and Daddy love via text message while he has been at his FARMER's CONVENTION. Today's subject matter was that his Mom does not know the proper technique for a toady scrub. (Is it spelled TOADY?) Yesterday's, Mom does not know the proper technique for sprinkling the final spoonful of imaginary love on his dinner. There is no satisfying the little devil.
Lastly, I would like to confess to the world. Bless me Father, for I have sinned. It has been.....oh, who am I kidding? I have never been to a confessional. But I did eat a whole lot of bacon ranch pringles last night. Seems I ran out of healthy food and was too lazy to hit the grocery store so I fell back into old habits and mindlessly consumed a tube of Pringles! Let me tell you how sick I felt after my over consumption. Fail to plan, plan to fail! Perhaps my exhaustion is a lack of proper nutrition and a direct result of my dinner last night?
I think I shall just call it a day and start anew tomorrow. No point in sweatin' the small stuff. Am I right?
Why is it that every time I finally give up and decided to hand water my garden, that within hours we have a deluge? While I'm on that subject...why is it every time I attempt to paint the deck or scrub the dirt off the deck, it rains on me?
Did you ever notice that "Daddy's on the phone" sounds like the declaration "Daddy's home"? Someone in my house did and was most disappointed and deflated when I had to break it to him that his Daddy was not momentarily walking in the door. What is wrong with my company anyway? Turns out Ernie has been sending his Dad a barage of Mommy insults and Daddy love via text message while he has been at his FARMER's CONVENTION. Today's subject matter was that his Mom does not know the proper technique for a toady scrub. (Is it spelled TOADY?) Yesterday's, Mom does not know the proper technique for sprinkling the final spoonful of imaginary love on his dinner. There is no satisfying the little devil.
Lastly, I would like to confess to the world. Bless me Father, for I have sinned. It has been.....oh, who am I kidding? I have never been to a confessional. But I did eat a whole lot of bacon ranch pringles last night. Seems I ran out of healthy food and was too lazy to hit the grocery store so I fell back into old habits and mindlessly consumed a tube of Pringles! Let me tell you how sick I felt after my over consumption. Fail to plan, plan to fail! Perhaps my exhaustion is a lack of proper nutrition and a direct result of my dinner last night?
I think I shall just call it a day and start anew tomorrow. No point in sweatin' the small stuff. Am I right?
Friday, June 25, 2010
A Farmer's Wife.
While Farmer MOE is attending a farm equipment convention, I wanted to provide him (and you) some progress pictures of his future harvest. Bear with me.
Tomatoes & Lettuce

Dill & Cosmos & Peas

Pole Beans (I know you can read!)


Lettuce and Tomatoes
Heuchera and Solomon's Seal (Courtesy of Itchy)
Iris (yecky yellow...and purple? Not my fave.)

Astrantia (species unknown)

Hardy Geranium

Hyacinth Bean Vine (can't wait to see this one!) It is going to wind its way up one of the bird house poles.

Circle Garden....areas are filling in nicely. Again, the centre is full of different varieties of poppies and sweet peas. With all of the rain we have had, the demarcations are washing out, as are the tags I have labelling what is where. Good thing I AM MONICA because I also made a map similar to the Pot of Gold box of Chocolates.
Tomatoes & Lettuce
Dill & Cosmos & Peas
Pole Beans (I know you can read!)
Lettuce and Tomatoes
Heuchera and Solomon's Seal (Courtesy of Itchy)
Iris (yecky yellow...and purple? Not my fave.)
Astrantia (species unknown)
Hardy Geranium
Hyacinth Bean Vine (can't wait to see this one!) It is going to wind its way up one of the bird house poles.
Circle Garden....areas are filling in nicely. Again, the centre is full of different varieties of poppies and sweet peas. With all of the rain we have had, the demarcations are washing out, as are the tags I have labelling what is where. Good thing I AM MONICA because I also made a map similar to the Pot of Gold box of Chocolates.
Time for bed for this Farmer's Wife. I had a late to bed (1:30 am) early to rise (4:00 am) this morning so I am a tad tired. Ernie the rooster will be waking me up before I know it.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
The Ultimate Garden Tour.
Yesterday, I went on The Ultimate Garden Tour with my neighbours Scratchy and Itchy in the countryside. Our first destination was to a friend of Scratchy's who resides in a small community called Hazel Grove. She lives on 150 acres of property with her home situated in an idyllic setting. A rustic home that her husband built, I believe she said 35 years ago. It was my understanding that they blocked a dam to create a fairly decent sized pond and a brook that runs right below the deck on their home. While the land was cleared when they built the home, they re-tree'd the property and at first glance, their home almost appears to be a tree house of sorts. The home is surrounded by pathways constructed from wooden slats and numerous gardens wind their way through the property. Sadly, I did not take very many photos of this picturesque landscape.
This is the pond with a view beyond to her home. The lake contains brook trout and she also shared with us that the pond is frequented by the local blue herons and raccoons.

This is a closer view of the same angle. The stream flows peacefully below the roadway and along this side of their home.

Not only was she a wonderful hostess, the three of us all left with a memento from her garden. Itchy and Scratchy both left with some regal irises and I left with some majestic and massive bleeding hearts. I've never seen bleeding hearts so huge. Probably close to 3 feet tall!
This is the pond with a view beyond to her home. The lake contains brook trout and she also shared with us that the pond is frequented by the local blue herons and raccoons.
This is a closer view of the same angle. The stream flows peacefully below the roadway and along this side of their home.
This is a photo of a magnificent clematis made even more attractive by its teaming with a smokebush.
Not only was she a wonderful hostess, the three of us all left with a memento from her garden. Itchy and Scratchy both left with some regal irises and I left with some majestic and massive bleeding hearts. I've never seen bleeding hearts so huge. Probably close to 3 feet tall!
From there the four of us headed a bit further down the road to Perennial Pastures, a personal garden that is picture perfect. It is 2 acres of perennial plants, trees, shrubs, climbers and vines with numerous structures on the property, including the mistress' home.
Her home

An awe-inspiring display of hostas line the meandering pathways through one side of the garden. The dedicated gardener advised that she has somewhere between three and four hundred varieties of hostas on the property.

Her home
An awe-inspiring display of hostas line the meandering pathways through one side of the garden. The dedicated gardener advised that she has somewhere between three and four hundred varieties of hostas on the property.
Double Columbine

The landscape beyond her garden

A close-up of the neighbours

A view to the back of her property
The landscape beyond her garden
A close-up of the neighbours
A view to the back of her property

Tree Peony

The barn in the backyard beyond the workshop/greenhouse

A closer view of the barn reveals these magnificent concrete leaf casts which she made herself. Several of them can be found hidden away in the flowerbeds and are used as bird baths. A new project to tackle some time in the near future.

The back yard. A workshop/greenhouse/cold frame stands to the left

A border of double columbine

Another charming pairing of clematis and golden barberry

Circling the opposite side of the barn reveals this magnificent climbing......vine or maybe it was a climbing hydrangea? Not sure.

A lacecap shrub. I think this is a viburnum, but it could be a hydrangea. Perhaps Scratchy might comment.
Tree Peony
The barn in the backyard beyond the workshop/greenhouse
A closer view of the barn reveals these magnificent concrete leaf casts which she made herself. Several of them can be found hidden away in the flowerbeds and are used as bird baths. A new project to tackle some time in the near future.
The back yard. A workshop/greenhouse/cold frame stands to the left
A border of double columbine
Another charming pairing of clematis and golden barberry
Circling the opposite side of the barn reveals this magnificent climbing......vine or maybe it was a climbing hydrangea? Not sure.
A lacecap shrub. I think this is a viburnum, but it could be a hydrangea. Perhaps Scratchy might comment.
That concludes the pictorial. You don't know how difficult it was selecting which photos to display of Perennial Pleasures. I asked if I could move in but I don't think she was much interested. What an inspiration! I lost track of how many garden rooms she had throughout the property. Believe me when I say, it was one after another, and each successive garden became my favourite...that was until we wandered into the next room. What a glorious way to spend the afternoon with my new friends here. The only price we paid, other than a nominal fee to the hostess for her time, were about a million bug bites that we gladly endured in exchange for the experience.
Here is a link I discovered last night to Canadian Gardening's feature of Perennial Pleasures if you are interested in a few more details.
I leave you with a photo of the proprietor's co-host and trusty companion Scooter who we renamed, FRECKLES. He escorted us throughout our tour, that was until something else would catch his attention and he would become distracted by an opportunity to play. It wouldn't be long though, before he would return, short of breath, but happy to pick up the tour where he left off.
Monday, June 21, 2010
It's Raining Squirrels.
Yesterday I was walking around my garden, doing something odd. Not unusual for me. While I tend to be somewhat disorganized about many things in my life, I am known, from time to time, to be a bit anal about others. Talk to the SF. When he sees me in a tizzy organizing something or better yet, creating a complicated spreadsheet, he refers to me, actually, he sings to me "Mon-i-ca, Mon-i-ca". The reference, for those that aren't familiar, is to the character Monica on the TV show, FRIENDS. She was notoriously organized verging on obsessive-compulsive and would turn into a crazy unstable woman if anyone so much as touched her insanely systematized possessions.
So what was I doing in the garden? I was walking around The Enchanted Garden, carrying Ernie in one hand and my digital recorder in the other, naming off the plants that I have added into my garden this year. The reason? So I could make a spreadsheet, of course! I figured it was safe to do it while the SF is out of town. You know, free of ridicule, and all. I'm sure any passers-by probably thought I was nuts, chatting to my dog. Or worse yet, talking to myself.
As I paused underneath the large Mountain Ash in my shade garden, naming off things like Monkshood, Tradescantia, Baptista, what should appear to fall out of the sky....a squirrel. Right in front of us. It scared the living crap out of us. Actually, I'm not sure who was more shocked, the squirrel or me. The poor thing hit the ground with a thud, shook it off and high-tailed it back up the tree. Once I swallowed my heart, which was sitting in my throat, I had a good chuckle. Ernie...oblivious to the entire event. But what's new?
So what was I doing in the garden? I was walking around The Enchanted Garden, carrying Ernie in one hand and my digital recorder in the other, naming off the plants that I have added into my garden this year. The reason? So I could make a spreadsheet, of course! I figured it was safe to do it while the SF is out of town. You know, free of ridicule, and all. I'm sure any passers-by probably thought I was nuts, chatting to my dog. Or worse yet, talking to myself.
As I paused underneath the large Mountain Ash in my shade garden, naming off things like Monkshood, Tradescantia, Baptista, what should appear to fall out of the sky....a squirrel. Right in front of us. It scared the living crap out of us. Actually, I'm not sure who was more shocked, the squirrel or me. The poor thing hit the ground with a thud, shook it off and high-tailed it back up the tree. Once I swallowed my heart, which was sitting in my throat, I had a good chuckle. Ernie...oblivious to the entire event. But what's new?
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Father's Day
Dear Daddy,
You are the best Daddy in the world. You give me toady scrubs whenever I stand over top of your foot. You let me do rub ups all over the back seat of your truck leaving a trail of my ginger hair all over your seat. And, you let me do it without complaining about the mess I’m making, which we all know means you must really love me. I know that ‘cuz you’re always complaining about Mom’s hair being EVERY WHERE!
You spend thousands...

and thousands of dollars on my vet bills just to keep me going.

You soak me down when it’s really hot outside and I’m roasting. (Mom says you are just FOX-Y in this picture, not a SF.)

You love to snuggle with me on the couch. (I think you have your hand down your pants in this picture but Mom was nice enough to crop it out for public consumption.)

I know I’m a pain in the ass sometimes...alright, all of the time, but despite that, you love me, warts and all. You give me face rubs like no other. You let me lick your legs and feet when you come back from a run even though it tickles. You play with me like no one else can. Mom tries, but she sucks at playing. She’s only good for snuggles in the nest. You take me to the beach where I get to run and chase the birdies and you treat me like I’m a big boy.
You laugh when I walk across your freshly planted veggie garden even though I know you’re screaming inside.
When I first came to your house, Rookie told me that I was in for a good life because you were the best Daddy ever. And you know what? He was right. He came back to see me in my sleep last night, and he told me to tell you that he misses you like craaaaazy and that no Dad compares to you. He says THANKS for a fantabulous life.
You always put that extra little something in my bowl at supper time, even if the spoon is actually empty, it always seems to taste better. I think there’s love in that spoon. Don’t you?
So for all that Daddy, I ruvs you, and Rookie does too. Happy Father's Day, Daddy.
I can remember clearly, the two of us sitting alone together in the living room, playing our guitars and singing some old classics – House of the Rising Sun, Me and Bobby McGee, both come to mind, but there were many.
I remember getting up at the crack of dawn to go play golf, just the two of us. As much as I complained about missing out on play time with my friends, I also loved those moments together. I loved how proud you were of me when I made a good shot or chip. I remember how you would always buy me a Wonderbar at the Pro Shop and that I’d try as hard as I could to keep up on the course so that we weren’t holding anyone up behind us. Yes, we were all about great golf etiquette. I felt like I was running the whole time and would be so exhausted by the time we would finish the front nine, that quite often I’d head to the truck and sleep while you played the back nine. (Would anyone do that now? Leave their kid in the vehicle by themselves? Times were so much different then, weren’t they?)
I remember driving in the station wagon, usually to camp, singing along to our Buddy Holly and Dolly Parton eight tracks. Yes, I said eight track! That’s how long ago it was.
Do you remember going to “The Pop Shoppe” and loading up on OUR favourites to take to camp? Cream Soda, Black Cherry, Lemon Lime. It was a little trip we’d take together. (We actually have a Pop Shoppe here and the sight of it brought that one back to me.)
I remember when I worked for the same company as you and after being there a while, I got to know all of the girls there, and they would all tell me how you would go on and on about me and my trivial accomplishments in life and I don’t know why, but I was so surprised. For a man of few words to be singing his daughters praises to his co-workers - well, let’s just say that I felt proud that you felt proud.
Happy Father’s Day.
You are the best Daddy in the world. You give me toady scrubs whenever I stand over top of your foot. You let me do rub ups all over the back seat of your truck leaving a trail of my ginger hair all over your seat. And, you let me do it without complaining about the mess I’m making, which we all know means you must really love me. I know that ‘cuz you’re always complaining about Mom’s hair being EVERY WHERE!
You spend thousands...

and thousands of dollars on my vet bills just to keep me going.
And at the Joshua Tree National Forest with cooky Grandma...
You take me fishing on the boat! Ahhhh...I love this picture of us. We are both at peace on the water.

You soak me down when it’s really hot outside and I’m roasting. (Mom says you are just FOX-Y in this picture, not a SF.)

You love to snuggle with me on the couch. (I think you have your hand down your pants in this picture but Mom was nice enough to crop it out for public consumption.)

I know I’m a pain in the ass sometimes...alright, all of the time, but despite that, you love me, warts and all. You give me face rubs like no other. You let me lick your legs and feet when you come back from a run even though it tickles. You play with me like no one else can. Mom tries, but she sucks at playing. She’s only good for snuggles in the nest. You take me to the beach where I get to run and chase the birdies and you treat me like I’m a big boy.
You laugh when I walk across your freshly planted veggie garden even though I know you’re screaming inside.
When I first came to your house, Rookie told me that I was in for a good life because you were the best Daddy ever. And you know what? He was right. He came back to see me in my sleep last night, and he told me to tell you that he misses you like craaaaazy and that no Dad compares to you. He says THANKS for a fantabulous life.
You always put that extra little something in my bowl at supper time, even if the spoon is actually empty, it always seems to taste better. I think there’s love in that spoon. Don’t you?
So for all that Daddy, I ruvs you, and Rookie does too. Happy Father's Day, Daddy.
Licks and Wig-Wags, Ernie.
Now my turn.....
Good Lord, Ernie. How do I follow that? Since my dear old Dad is facing a health crisis right now, thoughts of him seem to be consuming me as of late. The past little while, I keep having these flashbacks of times I spent with my Dad as a child. Special moments that bring a smile to my face and a warmth to my heart.
I remember driving to his company softball game in his big white convertible with the top down and the wind blowing my hair everywhere. He would always stop on the way home at a little store on Rupert Street and buy us each a Fresca. To this day, every time I have one, those memories come flooding back. I remember him taking the time to play tennis with me or throwing the softball around, even though I wasn’t very good, but it was just US time.
I can remember clearly, the two of us sitting alone together in the living room, playing our guitars and singing some old classics – House of the Rising Sun, Me and Bobby McGee, both come to mind, but there were many.
I have fond memories of him taking me fishing. At first he’d bait my hook until I got the hang of it. I wasn’t sure who was more excited when I got one on (and I always did, right Dad?), him or me? I’m not sure he enjoyed it all that much, but I loved it and still do. (When I discovered the SF was a passionate fisherman, I knew I’d found the man for me. What is it that they say? We women marry our fathers? Well, in many instances, I certainly have.)

I remember getting up at the crack of dawn to go play golf, just the two of us. As much as I complained about missing out on play time with my friends, I also loved those moments together. I loved how proud you were of me when I made a good shot or chip. I remember how you would always buy me a Wonderbar at the Pro Shop and that I’d try as hard as I could to keep up on the course so that we weren’t holding anyone up behind us. Yes, we were all about great golf etiquette. I felt like I was running the whole time and would be so exhausted by the time we would finish the front nine, that quite often I’d head to the truck and sleep while you played the back nine. (Would anyone do that now? Leave their kid in the vehicle by themselves? Times were so much different then, weren’t they?)
I remember driving in the station wagon, usually to camp, singing along to our Buddy Holly and Dolly Parton eight tracks. Yes, I said eight track! That’s how long ago it was.
Do you remember going to “The Pop Shoppe” and loading up on OUR favourites to take to camp? Cream Soda, Black Cherry, Lemon Lime. It was a little trip we’d take together. (We actually have a Pop Shoppe here and the sight of it brought that one back to me.)
I remember when I worked for the same company as you and after being there a while, I got to know all of the girls there, and they would all tell me how you would go on and on about me and my trivial accomplishments in life and I don’t know why, but I was so surprised. For a man of few words to be singing his daughters praises to his co-workers - well, let’s just say that I felt proud that you felt proud.
It’s such a shame that little girls grow up and become consumed with school, and friends, and the other men in our lives and that we leave our fathers behind. How hurt you must feel? But Dad, all of those moments were not lost on me, and the memories will be with me forever. It was at those times that I became the person that I am today and for that, I thank you.
Happy Father’s Day.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
I Live In Paradise.
More of a pictorial today because words just do not describe what a glorious day it was here.
There were butterflies everywhere today. I just couldn't seem to catch one with my camera, but I did catch a few other moments.

Clematis - planted yesterday, blooming today


BLOOMING ON THE DECK....my watercress runneth over. It has now taken over everything else in the planter - rosemary, parsley, sweet peas, basil, you name it.

I completed the painting on the inside of the deck rails today. Yeah me! And I got started on the deck surface.

BLOOMING INSIDE - The bouquet of flowers my hubby brought home for me. Just because.
Wait! That's not a parsnip!
There were butterflies everywhere today. I just couldn't seem to catch one with my camera, but I did catch a few other moments.
Clematis - planted yesterday, blooming today
BLOOMING ON THE DECK....my watercress runneth over. It has now taken over everything else in the planter - rosemary, parsley, sweet peas, basil, you name it.
I completed the painting on the inside of the deck rails today. Yeah me! And I got started on the deck surface.
BLOOMING INSIDE - The bouquet of flowers my hubby brought home for me. Just because.
Wait! That's not a parsnip!
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