OMG! I am such a bad doggy-mama! Everytime I take Rookie for a walk by myself at the park next door, as soon as I take him off leash he bee-lines it toward the grass and trees. Not sure what keeps catching his interest - other dogs, squirrels, foxes? But it is nose to the ground and off he goes. Well, after he gets about 100 yards away, he suddenly realizes I am not there and even though I am in direct line of sight, his vision is so bad that he can't see me, even when I'm jumping up and down doing jumping jacks. He whips his head left, then right and then I think he's looking right at me but there is no recognition and panic sets in. He starts running, and most of the time he runs close enough to where I am that I eventually get his attention and the relief is palpable.
Well today while Ernie and I continued down the path I kept glancing back at Rookie. After he sniffed whatever he's sniffing and rolled in the grass, he stood up, shook off and then, once again, the terror sets in and he starts running. Unfortunately it was at the same time that Ernie decided to do a "big job" and he was running the wrong direction...back toward home. So I start running after him, clapping my hands, leaving Ernie easy pickings for any foxes watching from the nearby woods. As soon as Ernie saw me running he starts chasing me, not having completely finished the task at hand. As I neared Rookie (thank goodness he doesn't run very fast anymore) he finally heard me clapping and turned around.
Now if that doesn't prove me a bad doggy-mama, this sure will. It has been just over a month since Ernie was diagnosed with kidney failure. He goes back to the vet tomorrow to have some tests completed to see if the meds he is on are making any difference. Well, Ev and I have been so busy unpacking and then had company for a week that I have not been snuggling Ernie like I usually do. If I had been, I would have noticed that he has broken out in sores and bruises all over his belly. I found a sore on his back on Friday but last night he was boinking around wanting to get up on my lap. I picked him up and flipped him on his back like you would hold a baby. As I started scritching his belly, I noticed a big bruise like sore on his belly. Then I noticed another sore, and another and another. The more I looked the more I found. There must be about 6 of them in different stages of healing. OMG! My poor little baby. Of course I googled the medication and its side effects and sure enough, skin eruptions are a side effect. Well, shame on me for having my head in the sand. And thank goodness he goes back to the vets tomorrow.
I'll keep ya posted!
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