Our day was busy, busy again. Ev went to his office while I got ready. When he got back, he called the movers he advised our stuff from storage in Kelowna is in Moncton already and that it will be delivered on Thursday. Once we got going, we went to Home Depot to pick up Ev's new baby.....a sparkly new BBQ and to Staples to look for a new wireless printer (no success). Then we headed to the house and started cleaning. I don't know what the heck has been washed in the washing machine there but it can't be laundry? It's spewing out dirt. I scrubbed the entire tub and drum out and as soon as I finished a load, it was all full of crap again. Looks like I'm getting a new set!
Our phone also got hooked up but it appears they took the liberty of adding voicemail to our phone and I had no idea how to work it. And of course, I couldn't make any outgoing calls until I cleared the voicemails from the phone. It took me about 45 minutes to figure out...thank goodness I brought the phonebook from our hotel because it had the codes to access the function.
I am happy to report that Ev contacted the dreaded satelite company to set up our new receiver and had NO ISSUES! That'll be done on Wednesday.
Somewhere in there, we also went out and ordered a new dining room set, went back to Home Depot to buy a step stool so we could get up to the tops of our cupboards to clean and stopped in at another furniture place to attempt to find a little bistro table for our nook. We found an adorable set but the table was too wide;(
Did I mention I need a visit from the cleaning fairy? When Ev & I moved to Grand Forks, my parents came the weekend we took possession of the house and my mom and I cleaned out all of the cupboards. Not only did it take less time, it was a lot of fun! Ev took care of the kitchen today, while I did the bathrooms and bedrooms but he had his ipod and headphones on. Not too much conversation going on. Meanwhile, Rookie was out on his porch "stoopin'" and Ernie slept on a pile of dirty laundry.
I told my mom I had $100 to put toward cleaning costs. I gave her the option....I could give her the money toward her flight OR buy her flight with points and pay her $100. She wasn't biting! I don't think I would either. Soon enough we hope they'll be out for a visit.
ps....We are wondering why dogs don't qualify for a per diem. Every day we are stopping to buy them something to add to their one meal a day. If children get one, why don't our furry babies?
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