Saturday, August 22, 2009

You just never know what the day is going to hold

Yesterday was a write-off! Ev came home the night before at 1230 and then we sat up and chatted until 1-130. We then got up early to have breakfast with some of Ev’s coworkers who were in town. I continued to have visitors at the house looking at stuff we had for sale and then I finally couldn’t fight it anymore. I had to have a nap. I turned the volume down on the news I was watching and put my head down, falling asleep instantly. Wouldn’t you know it though – the damn phone rang and when I opened my eyes the same story was on the news so I probably “slept” for seconds. A bit later, with five minutes to spare until it closed, Ev and I ran to the store to pick up our mail and get something to make for dinner. In our mail was a letter from our lawyer but I was so mentally drained, I couldn’t bring myself to read it. I knew it was going to take some mental fortitude to digest its contents and I really just wanted to relax after a hectic week.

So today I woke up with renewed vigour and thought of my blog topic for the day....ALL THE PEOPLE YOU DEAL WITH WHEN YOU ARE TRANSFERED! I started my list and then out of the corner of my eye the dreaded letter from the lawyer caught my eye. I abandoned my list and turned my attention to deciphering the legalese. The letter was dated the day we left PEI, 11-Aug. It was a request for us to provide them instructions on certain aspects of our mortgage and its subsequent closing....a closing that is to take place in three business days! With each paragraph I could feel my blood pressure rising. I could feel the heat spreading from my chest up my neck until it turned my nose a bright cherry red. Just call me Rudolph.

My focus went from attempting to pen some well needed comedic relief to one of writing a scathing email to the lawyer. The letter is asking us for instructions on how they want us to proceed as far as registering title, obtaining fire insurance (we were on that one), purchasing title insurance, etc. All I can think of as I’m reading it is, are these people insane? Do they not know where we live? Do they not know that mail sent to us through the Canadian Postal service can take up to six weeks to get here? How many other requests have they sent us in the mail that we have yet received nor responded to? I guess I should have known it wasn’t going to be great news because they didn’t even spell the name of our town correctly. It’s ULUKHAKTOK not YLUKHAKTOK!, So now I’m starting to questions what else these people have screwed up and then it suddenly dawns on me....THE MORTGAGE DOCUMENTS!

So, before I hit the send button on my email I figure I had better contact my Mom. Because she was the one signing the documents, they were emailed directly to her. I guess it didn’t occur to them that they should send us a copy. Mom emailed the documents to the notary and then made the drive into town to meet with him. She then proceeds to take a lambasting from the Notary because of the quantity of paper and subsequent work required (as if she is responsible for to the bank Mister!). They signed them and she couriered them back to PEI, sent me the tracking number and she had completed her job. Did I mention it was THREE POUNDS of paper and a whopping $71 to courier? Anyway, I digress; I call my mom and ask her to email me the original documents –four in total. I open the first document – my name is spelled incorrectly throughout. I open the second document – same thing. I open the third – Ev’s name is spelled incorrectly and mine, well, they got it right on that one. Argh!!!!

This is just wrong on so many levels!

1) I have held the same bank account with this bank for 24 years. It is now our joint account and has both of our names correctly spelled on it
2) This is our second mortgage with the same bank. When we originally contacted them they were happy to not have to record ALL of our personal information as it was all on file with our last mortgage.
3) Throughout the mortgage pre-approval and subsequent approval they constantly misspelled Ev’s name and reassured us they would ensure its accuracy on the final mortgage – that that is where it truly counts.
4) We provided the bank with photocopies of our identification.
5) We spelled out or names out while we were at the lawyer’s office, reviewed the spelling and also provided them photocopies of our identification.
6) The mortgage documents & instructions are forwarded to our lawyer for their review – um...can you tell me when the review took place? Did anyone even look at the freakin’ documents?

Needless to say, I added a few choice thoughts to my email, ran it by dear hubby and hollered the all clear. “I’M HITTING SEND!” Well much to my surprise it wasn’t five minutes that had passed and the phone rings. It’s our lawyer....calling on a Saturday! Thank goodness for technology. She was in another province on a holiday and received my email. She attempted to reassure me that all issues on the letter received yesterday had been dealt with based on our original meeting with her and some assumptions on their part. As for the mortgage documents, it was nothing but apologies but her hands were tied until she could see the documents and return to work on Monday. I forwarded her the documents so she could at least review them and have a plan in place for first thing Monday.

You tell me. Am I wrong here or do we have every right to be BEYOND furious?

I guess the only saving grace is that our lawyer is going to have to deal with the seller’s lawyer and “have some ‘splainin’ to do” as he is one of the named partners in the legal firm she works for.

Tomorrow is a new day. Perhaps then I’ll start the list I talked of earlier and add the whole lot of them on for another rotation!

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